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At Coates Lane we aim to provide every child with access to a broad and balanced education.

We aim to do this by
  •    Identifying the needs of pupils with SEN as early as possible.
  •    Monitoring the progress of all pupils
  •    Making appropriate provision to overcome all barriers to learning, ensuring that pupils with SEND have full access to the National Curriculum.
  •    Working with parents
  •    Working with and in support of outside agencies
  •    Creating a school environment where pupils feel safe to voice their opinions of their own needs.

Sometimes, despite the class teacher’s support and differentiated planning, some children have difficulty in learning.  If this happens we will provide additional help and support.  We will discuss this with parents and devise a pupil support plan (PSP) for the child.  This will be reviewed at parents’ evenings and once per term by Mrs Toomey – the Associate Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) – and the class teacher.  Parents will be invited to contribute to the review and any comments will be welcomed.

If, despite this help, we are still concerned that a child is not making progress we will increase the help that is given to a child.  We will do this if we feel that a child is falling significantly behind the rest of the class and we do not feel that we have sufficient expertise in school to plan appropriate curriculum activities.  If this is the case we will ask for advice from professionals not directly employed by the school.  We will continue to use PSP’s but they will be more detailed.  In a small number of cases where a child meets the LEA criteria we will refer the child to the LEA so they can consider making a detailed diagnostic assessment.  This will be fully discussed with the parents beforehand.  For pupils who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for special education needs, the school will hold statutory reviews and meet all statutory requirements.

We value the help that parents can give us and appreciate them sharing any problems a child may have during their time with us.  Should a parent have concerns about the progress of their child they should discuss them with the class teacher.  If there continues to be a cause for concern then this should be brought to the attention of the Associate SENDCO (Mrs Toomey) or Headteacher (Mr Toddington).

Coates Lane welcomes all pupils equally and we ensure, through our SEN policy, that no child is treated less favourably than other pupils. Our admissions policy ensures that children with disabilities have suitable arrangements for their admission.

Useful Links for Parents and Carers

Please find below, a selection of SEN links and websites that you may find useful in supporting the needs of your child/children:


SEND weblinks for home learning

National Oak Academy Specialist

BBC Bitesize SEND Toolkit

Resources and Support

SEN Resource Source

Regenerate (Autism)

Education Endowment Foundation

Special Needs Jungle


Sensory Circuits

ASDAN Resources to support remote learning


Social story for covid January 2021

Greatminds Together

Young Minds

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services):




CAMHS Websites

CAMHS Downloads

CAMHS Videos


Please see below links for the latest news/updates regarding the Covid-19 restrictions and disruption to school services in Lancashire:

COVID-19 Education and Childcare Guidance

COVID-19 Schools Update

COVID-19 Restrictions in Lancashire


If a parent would like to read a full copy of the SEND policy or any other documents, download from the links below

SEN policy

Local Offer

If you would like to see a copy of the Local Authority's Local Offer please click on the link below:

Medical Needs Policy

Accesibility Policy

Disability Policy

SEN Information Report