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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page!

We have been working incredibly hard this week and have started a brand new English unit studying classic fiction. We are focussing on the novel 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. This will give the children plenty of opportunities to develop their writing skills by concentrating on setting on character descriptions whilst showing off a variety of grammar and sentence skills.

Homework will be set every Monday and children will be rewarded with a raffle ticket (draw to take place at the end of each half-term) for completing homework by the following Monday. As well as this being in the children's homework diaries, I will also display it on the school website.

PE this term will be indoor based, so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing and footwear on that day, which is Wednesday this term. The children will also receive a swimming lesson at Westcraven Sports Centre this half-term on a Monday afternoon.

I will do my best to put up photos of what we are doing as often as I possibly can, so you can enjoy sharing the children's successes with me.