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At Coates Lane, we aim to ensure that all Maths lessons are engaging, fun and exciting.  We follow the Red Rose Mastery Scheme. 

A mastery curriculum rejects the idea that a large proportion of people ‘just can’t do maths’ (NCETM 2016) and instead focusses on the idea that all pupils can achieve depth in their learning which can be accomplished by using key principles including:

- representation and structure (effective pedagogies for modelling, concrete-pictorial-abstract approaches, effective use of manipulatives and transition between them)
- coherence (curriculum design, progression of objectives, sequencing learning, small steps, contextualising learning between different areas of mathematics)
- mathematical thinking (effective questioning, identifying patterns and relationships, deep understanding through reasoning and problem solving, supporting children to achieve deeper learning where appropriate)
- variation (progression through representations using conceptual variation, progression through questioning using procedural variation)
- fluency (efficiency, accuracy, flexibility, developing unconscious competence)

These elements of effective mathematics teaching are supported in both the National Curriculum and the Ofsted Inspection Framework.

Click the file below to see the overview of learning across the school.

Here are some useful links to support your child with their Maths learning:

Times Tables Rockstars - great for practising times tables knowledge

Topmarks - a range of games to support the maths curriculum