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PE and Sports Premium

Coates Lane maintains an infectious sport and competition ethos which encompasses the 6 Spirit of the Games Values!

This academic year will be focused around girls, broader experience across a range of sports and CPD for teaching staff.

Physical Education

At Coates Lane, in line with the minimum DfE requirements, each class is timetabled for two separate hours of PE each week so that lessons are of high impact. This academic year, we have embedded the use of the Primary PE Passport app to ensure progression across all phases, record evidence and track pupils' acquisition of skills. Children change into their kits for PE lessons within school to ensure self-care, independence skills and confidence are attained.

Gross Motor and Fundamental Movement intervention

Children within Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, who have been identified as low participators and/or demonstrating gaps within physical development or linked with a Special Educational Need, receive weekly tailored and specialist intervention in order to develop their FMS and gross motor skills. This takes place on Friday afternoons.

School Swimming

Our curriculum school swimming and pool provider is Pendle Leisure Trust - West Craven Sports Centre who assist with school swimming and the 9 water safety/self-rescue areas within lessons across 17 weeks, each year. The 17 weeks are shared between Years 4, 5 & 6 in order to secure consistent success towards achieving National Curriculum requirements before leaving primary school. Children in Year 6 who do not meet national curriculum swimming and safe self-rescue requirements by the end of their final core swimming block are provided with top-up Sport Premium funded sessions in the summer term. 

60 Active Minutes Offer

Due to high obesity rates and low participation in physical activity outside of school time in the North West, Coates Lane commits to providing our children with 60 active minutes, per day, outside of their weekly PE lessons. Children are encouraged to be physically active throughout the day through the following offer:

Classrooms (10 minutes):

Within each year group, the class teacher plans to embed 10 minutes of moderate to high levels of physical activity into lesson warm-ups, recaps, hinge questions or plenaries each day.

Breaktimes (20 minutes):

Playground leaders and staff set up fun and collaborative games which get the children moving.

Lunchtimes (45-50 minutes):

Monday - Playground leaders and welfare staff

Tuesday - Playground leaders, Sports Cool and welfare staff

Wednesday - Playground leaders, Sports Cool and welfare staff

Thursday - Playground leaders and welfare staff

Friday - Playground leaders, Phil Cain (INTRA league) and welfare staff

Wet playtimes:

When the weather is unsuitable for safe, outdoor play, children stay in their classrooms and participate in high-energy workouts by dancing and exercising to videos such as Joe Wicks, Just Dance and Go Noodle.

Playground Leaders  

As part of the essential criteria for achieving Gold in the School Games Mark, a proportion of children on roll must be provided with training opportunities to develop their leadership skills.

Recently we were very lucky to have the support of Fiona Callaghan (SGO Pendle) who came in and trained an elected team of Playground Leaders within our school. From this, the team have been issued with tabards and a timetable which they share the responsibility, throughout the week, of promoting active break and lunch times on the playground and a platform for making friends by setting up games in their designated area.  The children have been trained to look for children who may be alone or not being physically active. These children are also responsible for electing young leaders throughout school to shadow and assist them throughout the year. Young leaders are also given the opportunity to support and assist during our Sports Days.

Sport Ambassadors

Each year, two Sports Ambassadors are appointed in school and meet regularly with the PE subject leader. Their role involves assisting with Intra and Inter events (participation and competition), school games days, gathering pupil voice and evaluating our school's active minutes offer. This year, as the national focus is on girls, we have elected two female pupils to raise the profile of physical well-being, participation in sport and promote the school games values across school.

School Sports Partnership - Pendle

Each year, Coates Lane uses a portion of the Sports Premium to pay into Pendle's School Sports Partnership. Through this membership, we are provided with a plethora of tailored sports events for a wide range of abilities and backgrounds, coaches to broaden the children's experience within new sports, CPD for staff, network meetings, pathways for children to represent their school, playground leader training and much more! Please see our Pendle School Games Officer, Fiona Callaghan, and SLA offer statement within our Sports Premium Document below.

After-School Sports Clubs - Autumn 1 2024

Wednesday - Girls Football (Rob) & KS2 Boxing (Endrit)

Thursday - Boys Football (Rob)

Friday - Mixed Netball (Marie) & Girls Multiskills (Phil)