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Year 6

Welcome to the year six class page and to the start of a new academic year. 

This is an exciting half-term with lots of fun learning to be done!

Throughout the year, there will be adults who are always here to help the children with their learning and experiences.  These adults are:

Miss Spencer (class teacher)

Mrs Ellam (teaching assistant all day Monday, Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning and Friday morning. Mrs Ellam will also be doing PPA cover for the class on a Thursday afternoon).

Miss Thompson (teaching assistant Wednesday morning).

During the first half of the Autumn Term, our class topic is World War Two and this will involve lots of history learning.  To see what other subjects we will be covering this half-term, please look at the link below to see the overview of our learning.

Our shared text this half-term is Goodnight Mr Tom by the author Michelle MagorianThis novel tells the story of a young boy called Willie Beech, who is evacuated to the countryside during World War II, and the relationship he develops with his new carer Mr Tom.  The children will be using this text to help them write different genres, for example, letters and diary entries and to inspire them to write their own narrative based on World War Two. 

We are really looking forward to working with all of the class and to be a part of their learning journey this year.

Miss Spencer, Mrs Ellam and Miss Thompson